9 ways to get rid of acne within 1 day with easy-to-do secret recipes. Don’t worry, even if you have to go out on any day, acne will definitely not appear to bother you.

1. Use acne cream
Use acne cream that contains Benzyl Peroxide and Salicylic acid as the main ingredients, which are effective in killing bacteria that cause acne and help exfoliate dead skin cells. However, before using acne cream, you should read the instructions carefully and do not use too much cream because acne creams have different concentrations and can irritate your skin.
2. Use ice to rub your face.
Treat acne naturally by applying ice to the acne area for 10-20 seconds. The cold from the ice will help reduce swelling and redness of the acne, tighten pores, and reduce inflammation from acne. It also helps cleanse the face and helps to easily expel oil from under the skin.
3. Use tea tree oil.
Dip a cotton swab in tea tree oil and apply it to the acne. Tea tree oil contains substances that can eliminate bacteria and fungi in the pores, which helps reduce inflammation and make redness and acne smaller.
4. Use aspirin powder.
Crush aspirin into powder and mix with water to make a cream. Apply a thin layer to the acne area. This will help the acne shrink faster. Aspirin contains BHA or Salicylic Acid, which helps reduce acne inflammation and fade acne. It also helps exfoliate dead skin cells and dissolves oil that clings to the pores.
5. Use toothpaste to treat acne.
Girls probably wouldn’t think that toothpaste can treat acne. Toothpaste contains silica, which helps dry up and shrink acne quickly. Just apply it to the acne and leave it overnight. The acne will definitely shrink immediately. However, this method is not suitable for girls with sensitive skin because it can cause skin allergies. For girls who want to try it, you should choose a natural toothpaste instead of other toothpastes that may contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which can irritate the skin.
6. Apply lemon juice to your face.
Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and AHA, which helps dry up acne quickly. Girls can mix it with chalk to help reduce acne as well. Because chalk contains calcium carbonate, which helps dry up acne faster. Mix it together until thick and apply it to the acne before going to bed. Wash your face in the morning. That’s all. The acne will clearly shrink.
7. Apply garlic to acne.
Garlic contains sulfur, which can kill bacteria and help get rid of acne very well. To use, just cut garlic thinly and rub it on the acne area. Or crush it and apply garlic juice to the acne. Leave it to dry for about 5-10 minutes, then rinse with clean water. But don’t leave it on for too long because the heat from the garlic may burn your face.
8. Apply honey to acne.
Honey has special properties to fight bacteria, which helps reduce acne. Just apply honey on the inflamed acne and leave it for 1 hour, then wash it off. Or mix it with cinnamon powder to help treat acne quickly as well. Because cinnamon has antioxidants, when mixed with honey, which has antibacterial properties, it gives fast results in treating acne.
9. Use aloe vera.
Aloe vera has antibacterial properties, which help reduce inflammation from acne and pimples, and helps reduce and shrink acne. It also helps to adjust the skin condition very well. Just apply it and leave it overnight, and the ทางเข้า ufabet https://ufabet999.app acne will shrink as desired. In addition, aloe vera is gentle, which is suitable for girls with sensitive and easily irritated skin.