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Category Archives: Health

9 ways to get rid of acne in 1 day

9 ways to get rid of acne in 1 day

9 ways to get rid of acne within 1 day with easy-to-do secret recipes. Don’t worry, even if you have to go out on any day, acne will definitely not appear to bother you. 1. Use acne cream           Use acne cream that contains Benzyl

10 things that asthma patients can't do

10 things that asthma patients can’t do

“Asthma” is a common disease for many people, and similar numbers of male and female patients are found. Asthma is serious to health to the point of being one of the congenital diseases for which those conscripted into the military are exempted in special cases. Why is that? And what are

Check the warning signs of asthma in children

Check the warning signs of asthma in children

Asthma is not only found in adults. But young children are at risk of developing such diseases as well. Asthma in children is different from that in adults in terms of symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Therefore, monitoring and observing symptoms is an important thing that every parent

How many types of antihistamines are there and how should I choose?

How many types of antihistamines are there and how should I choose?

Nowadays, Thai people have more allergic reactions. Whether allergic to air or allergies to various pollutants such as dust, smoke, etc. Allergies are common diseases from childhood to the elderly. In young children, allergic reactions such as cow’s milk allergy or skin diseases are found.  In older children or

Tips!! clean-shaven face wrinkle free

Tips!! clean-shaven face wrinkle free

This may be just a propaganda that will never actually happen due to a variety of reasons . Take a look in the mirror now, and you may find many traces of the experience. blend between wrinkles that can be erased While some wrinkle will never disappear, wrinkles, the longer you leave them. The

7 behaviors that are short-lived

7 behaviors that are short-lived

Doing this…it’s short-lived. The solution is to change the behaviors that will shorten life as follows ทางเข้า ufabet… 1. Stay up late because staying up late causes no anti-cancer hormones to be secreted or secreted too little. And the risk of other serious diseases such as high blood